Exponential tail bounds for loop-erased random walk in two dimensions
Exponents, symmetry groups and classification of operator fractional Brownian motions
Extended Factorizations of Exponential Functionals of Lévy Processes
Extended Follow-up of Near Earth Objects
Extended power-law scaling of self-affine signals exhibiting apparent multifractality
Extended Self Similarity in Solar Wind Turbulence
Extended-range seasonal hurricane forecasts for the North Atlantic with a hybrid dynamical-statistical model
Extending Chacon-Walsh: minimality and generalised starting distributions
Extending radiative transfer models by use of Bayes rule
Extending the Set of Quadratic Exponential Vectors
Extending the Support Theorem to Infinite Dimensions
Extension of Fill's perfect rejection sampling algorithm to general chains
Extension of Lyapunov's Convexity Theorem to Subranges
Extension of the generalised inductive approach to the lace expansion: Full proof
Extension of the Olkin and Rubin Characterization to the Wishart distribution on homogeneous cones
Extension theorems for linear operators on $L_\infty$ and application to price systems
Extension to Infinite Dimensions of a Stochastic Second-Order Model associated with the Shape Splines
Extensions of diffusion processes on intervals and Feller's boundary conditions
Extensions of system signatures to dependent lifetimes: Explicit expressions and interpretations
Extinct Comets in Near-Earth Object Orbits