Application of Bayesian Systematic Error Correction to Kepler Photometry
Application of Probability Theory to the Identification and Analysis of Binary Star Systems
Application of Random Matrix Theory to Multivariate Statistics
Application of the least squares prediction to the astrometric reduction of Palomar Schmidt plates
Application of the lent particle method to Poisson driven SDE's
Application of thin foils in low-energy neutral-atom detection
Applications of a finite-dimensional duality principle to some prediction problems
Applications of a simple but useful technique to stochastic convolution of $α$-stable processes
Applications of integral transforms in fractional diffusion processes
Applications of Stein's method for concentration inequalities
Applications of the graphs to the Generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process
Applications of the quadratic covariation differentiation theory: variants of the Clark-Ocone and Stroock's formulas
Applications of weak convergence for hedging of game options
Applying Brownian motion to the study of birth-death chains
Applying coupon-collecting theory to computer-aided assessments
Applying Frequency Distributions on Radiation Belt Data: A New Approach
Approach to Express The Second Moment with A Class of Stochastic Completion Time
Approach to Fixation for Zero-Temperature Stochastic Ising Models on the Hexagonal Lattice
Approximate Bermudan option pricing based on the réduite or cubature: soundness and characterisation of perpetual prices as fixed points
Approximate Distribution of Hitting Probabilities for a Regular Surface with Compact Support in 2D