Annealed Brownian motion in a heavy tailed Poissonian potential
Annealed deviations of random walk in random scenery
Annealed lower tails for the energy of a polymer
Annealed tail estimates for a Brownian motion in a drifted Brownian potential
Annealed upper tails for the energy of a polymer
Annealed vs Quenched Critical Points for a Random Walk Pinning Model
Annealing diffusions in a slowly growing potential
Anomalous air showers from point sources
Anomalous behavior of the Kramers rate at bifurcations in classical field theories
Anomalous correlation between hadron and electromagnetic particles in hadron and gamma-ray families
Anomalous correlation between hadrons and electromagnetic particles in hadron and gamma-ray families
Anomalous diffusion of distinguished particles in bead-spring networks
Anomalous Diffusion with Periodical Initial Conditions on Interval with Reflecting Edges
Anomalous dissipation in a stochastic inviscid dyadic model
Anomalous heat-kernel decay for random walk among bounded random conductances
Anomalous nighttime electron temperatures over Millstone Hill: a statistical study
Anomalous Slow Diffusion from Perpetual Homogenization
Anomalous solar-diurnal variations in cosmic rays related to crossing of the IMF sector boundaries by the Earth and the problem of earthquakes
Another approach to Brownian motion
Another approach to some rough and stochastic partial differential equations