Analytical and semiclassical aspects of matter-enhanced neutrino oscillations
Analytical Lower Bounds on the Critical Density in Continuum Percolation
Analyticity of Entropy Rate of Hidden Markov Chains
Analyticity of intersection exponents for planar Brownian motion
Analyticity of the entropy for some random walks
Ancestral branching, cut-and-paste algorithms and associated tree and partition-valued processes
Anchored expansion and random walk
Anchored expansion, percolation and speed
Anglers' fishing problem
Angular asymptotics for multi-dimensional non-homogeneous random walks with asymptotically zero drift
Angular processes related to Cauchy random walks
Angular-momentum loss in evaporating black holes
Anisotropic Comptonization in thermal plasmas - Spectral distribution in plane-parallel geometry
Anisotropic Contact Process on Homogeneous Trees
Anisotropic Electrodynamics
Anisotropic Poisson Processes of Cylinders
Anisotropic seismic inversion using a multigrid Monte Carlo approach
Anisotropic Young diagrams and infinite-dimensional diffusion processes with the Jack parameter
Anisotropy damping and particle production at finite temperature
Anisotropy dissipation in quantum cosmology