Archimedes' calculations of square roots
Are seven-game baseball playoffs fairer than five-game series when home-field advantage is considered?
Areal Optimization of Polygons
Arnold's problem on paper folding
Aronszajn's Criterion for Euclidean Space
Aryabhata's Root Extraction Methods
Aspects Analytiques Dans la Mathematique De Sharaf Al-Dîn Al-TÛSÎ
Asymptotic behavior and halting probability of Turing Machines
Asymptotic behaviour of Turing Machines
Axiomatizing mathematical conceptualism in third order arithmetic
Bachet's Problem: as few weights to weigh them all
Banach matchboxes problem and a congruence for primes
Barrow and Leibniz on the fundamental theorem of the calculus
Best approximation with wavelets in weighted Orlicz spaces
Bidding chess
Bimagic Squares of Bimagic Squares and an Open Problem
Biography of John Rainwater
Book Review: "A beautiful math. John Nash, game theory, and the modern quest for a code of nature" by Tom Siegfried (Joseph Henry Press, 2006)
Book Review: "Geometry of Quantum States" by Ingemar Bengtsson and Karol Zyczkowski (Cambridge University Press, 2006)
Boring mathematics, artistes pompiers and impressionists