Saccheri's Quadrilaterals
Saunders Mac Lane, the Knight of Mathematics
Scholarly mathematical communication at a crossroads
Sculptures in S^3
Segmenti paralleli
Short Calculus
SIAM 2020
Smarandache Sequences: Explorations and Discoveries with a Computer Algebra System
Sobolev and Schwartz: Two Fates and Two Fames
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics Celebrates its Fiftieth Anniversary
Sobolev of the Euler School
Sobre o papel dos Departamentos de Matemática na vida e desenvolvimento da comunidade
Solution for the problem of the game heads or tails
Solving the quartic with a pencil
Some additive relations in the Pascal triangle
Some aspects of the functor K_2 of fields
Some beautiful q-analogues of Fibonacci and Lucas polynomials
Some Exceptional Cases in Mathematics: Euler Characteristic, Division Algebras, Cross Vector Product and Fano Matroid
Some non-conventional ideas about algorithmic complexity
Some perfect cards shuffles (French title: Quelques mélanges parfaits de cartes)