Early Record of Divisibility and Primality
Education for Computational Science and Engineering
Electromagnetism and geometry
Electronic Mathematics Journals
Elementary trigonometry based on a first order differential equation
Emile Borel's difficult days in 1941
English Russian Science Dictionary
Epistemography and algebra
Epistemology as Information Theory: From Leibniz to Omega
Equivalent Versions of "Khajuraho" and "Lo-Shu" Magic Squares and the day 1st October 2010 (01.10.2010)
Eratosthenes and Pliny, Greek geometry and Roman follies
Esparsidade, Estrutura, Escalamento e Estabilidade em Algebra Linear Computacional
Étienne Bézout : Analyse algébrique au siècle des Lumières
Euclid's theorem on the infinitude of primes: a historical survey of its proofs (300 B.C.--2012) and another new proof
Euler and magic squares (De quadratis magicis)
Euler and the Ordinary Differential Equations
Euler and the pentagonal number theorem
European Apportionment via the Cambridge Compromise
Evaluation of Authors and Journals
Exact Categories