If a prime divides a product
Improved Bounds on the Sizes of S.P Numbers
In Square Circle: Geometric Knowledge of the Indus Civilization
In whose mind is Mathematics an "a priori cognition"?
India's Contribution to Arab mathematics
Inequalities having Seven Means and Proportionality Relations
Infinity and the Sublime
Integer Triangles with R/r=N
Interactive forces
Interactive games, dialogues and the verbalization
Intro To Logarithms After The Meltdown
Introducing Groups into Quantum Theory (1926 -- 1930)
Introduction to Vector Spaces, Vector Algebras, and Vector Geometries
Introduction to Working Group 7
Invariably Suboptimal - An attempt to improve the voting rules of Treaties of Nice and Lisbon
Invariants of polynomials and binary forms
Iron Rings, Doctor Honoris Causa Raoul Bott, Carl Herz, and a Hidden Hand
Irrationality From The Book
Irreducible Complexity in Pure Mathematics
Is mathematics invading human cells? Impressions from a collaboration with diabetes doctors