Machines, Logic and Quantum Physics
Masaki Kashiwara and Algebraic Analysis
Mathematical Education
Mathematical knowledge: internal, social and cultural aspects
Mathematical researches of D. P. Zhelobenko
Mathematical table turning revisited
Mathematicians take a stand
Mathematics and Economics of Leonid Kantorovich
Mathematics Journals Should Be Electronic and Free
Mathematics Turned Inside Out: The Intensive Faculty Versus the Extensive Faculty
Max Dehn, un mathématicien aux préoccupations universelles
Maxwell's daemon, the Turing machine, and Jaynes' robot
Memoir on the Theory of the Articulated Octahedron
Mertens' Proof of Mertens' Theorem
Meta Math! The Quest for Omega
Methodus succincta summas serierum infinitarum per formulas differentiales investigandi
Minimal counting systems and commutative monoids
Minimizing the footprint of your laptop (on your bedside table)
Minimizing the Number of Tiles in a Tiled Rectangle
Multiple Intelligences and quotient spaces