Hamlet and Pfister forms (A tragedy in four acts)
Hans Duistermaat's contributions to Poisson geometry
Hans Grauert: Mathematician Pur
Hasard et déterminisme chez Laplace
Herleitung von Skalarprodukten aus Symmetrieprinzipien
Historical Comments on Monge's Ellipsoid and the Configuration of Lines of Curvature on Surfaces Immersed in ${\mathbb R}^3$
History of the formulas and algorithms for pi
How Ordinary Elimination Became Gaussian Elimination
How real are real numbers?
How the work of Gian Carlo Rota had influenced my group research and life
How to axiomatize school geometry
How would Riemann evaluate $ζ(2n)$?
Hypothesis of the Functional Semantic Constructions and Mathematics in the Functional Semantic Aspect