An arithmetic theorem and its demonstration
An easier solution of a Diophantine problem about triangles, in which those lines from the vertices which bisect the opposite sides may be expressed rationally
An easily verifiable proof of the Brouwer fixed point theorem
An easy method for finding many very large prime numbers
An easy method for finding the integral of the formula $\int (x^{n+p} - 2 x^n\cosζ+ x^{n-p})/(x^{2n} - 2 x^n\cosθ+ 1) dx/x$ when the upper limit of integration is $x=1$ or $x=\infty$
An elementary proof of $\,\sum_{n \ge 1}{1/n^2} = π^2/6\,$ and a recurrence formula for even zeta values
An Historical Perspective on Fractional Calculus in Linear Viscoelasticity
An illustration of a paradox about the idoneal, or suitable, numbers
An inquiry into whether or not 1000009 is a prime number
An observation on the sums of divisors
An ode to Phipps' jeep convoys
An Unusual Proof that the Reals are Uncountable
Analyse et synthèse harmoniques
Angles in Complex Vector Spaces
Annotations to a certain passage of Descartes for finding the quadrature of the circle
Another Hanukkah Miracle: The Gaps Between Consecutive Christmas-in-Hanukkah Years is ALWAYS a Fibonacci Number!
Another look at e
Applications of Matrices Multiplication to Determinant and Rotations formulas in $\setR^n$
Applied Categories and Functors for Undergraduates
Applied Mathematics, the Hans van Duijn way