The Burgers equations as a first step towards the study of the incompressible flows (Lecture notes, in spanish)
The Calculus Concept Readiness (CCR) Instrument: Assessing Student Readiness for Calculus
The changing concept of matter in H. Weyl's thought, 1918 -1930
The concept of a set
The Delone Peak
The Development of Intersection Homology Theory
The discrete and the continuous: which comes first?
The Doors
The emergence of French statistics. How mathematics entered the world of statistics in France during the 1920s
The Eudoxus Real Numbers
The Forgotten Night: The Number Devil Explores Spherical Geometry
The functional equation of the zeta function of a global field
The fundamental theorem of algebra: A most elementary proof
The ghosts of the Ecole Normale. Life, death and legacy of René Gateaux
The Halting Probability Omega: Irreducible Complexity in Pure Mathematics
The Harmonic Series and the nth Term Test for Divergence
The History of Barbilian's Metrization Procedure
The inception of Symplectic Geometry: the works of Lagrange and Poisson during the years 1808-1810
The Informal Logic of Mathematical Proof
The laced interactive games and their a posteriori analysis