Some non-conventional ideas about algorithmic complexity
Some perfect cards shuffles (French title: Quelques mélanges parfaits de cartes)
Some personal reminiscences of Olga Taussky
Some recent trends from research mathematics and their connections to teaching: Case studies inspired by parallel developments in science and technology
Some series and integrals involving the Riemann zeta function, binomial coefficients and the harmonic numbers. Volume I
Some series and integrals involving the Riemann zeta function, binomial coefficients and the harmonic numbers. Volume II(a)
Some series and integrals involving the Riemann zeta function, binomial coefficients and the harmonic numbers. Volume II(b)
Some series and integrals involving the Riemann zeta function, binomial coefficients and the harmonic numbers. Volume III
Some series and integrals involving the Riemann zeta function, binomial coefficients and the harmonic numbers. Volume IV
Some series and integrals involving the Riemann zeta function, binomial coefficients and the harmonic numbers. Volume V
Some series and integrals involving the Riemann zeta function, binomial coefficients and the harmonic numbers. Volume VI
Some thoughts upon axiomatized languages with estension tools, a focus on probability theory and error calculus with Dirichlet forms
Sophus Lie, Friedrich Engel and the Riemann-Helmholtz problem
Special Smarandache Curves in E1 3
Specimen transformationis singularis serierum
Spéculation sur la géométrie en Égypte antique
Speculationes super formula integrali {\int} (x^ndx)/{\surd}(aa-2bx+cxx), ubi simul egregiae observationes circa fractiones continuas occurrunt
Speculations on some characteristic properties of numbers
Splitting primes
Square Trisection