The Monty Hall Problem: Switching is Forced by the Strategic Thinking
The Moravian crossroads. Mathematics and mathematicians in Brno between German traditions and Czech hopes
The Natural Chain of Binary Arithmetic Operations and Generalized Derivatives
The Natural Philosophy of Kazuo Kondo
The Number System of the Old European Script
The numbers behind Plimpton 322
The origin of infinitely divisible distributions: from de Finetti's problem to Levy-Khintchine formula
The Plimpton 322 Tablet and the Babylonian Method of Generating Pythagorean Triples
The prime analog of the Kepler-Bouwkamp constant
The Pythagorean Tree: A New Species
The Rational Cuboid Table of Maurice Kraitchik
The recension of the Kepler laws in England
The regularized product of the Fibonacci numbers
The Riemann Conjecture and the advanced Calculus Methods for Physics
The Seven Messengers and the "Buzzati sequence"
The solution of a memorable problem by a special artifice of calculation
The Structure of a Bernoulli Process Variation of the Fibonacci Sequence
The Subsum Set of a Null Sequence
The Tao of Mathematics, and Think Locally
The Three Hat Problem