A Note on Walking Versus Waiting
A Novel Proof of the Heine-Borel Theorem
A pedagogical history of compactness
A polynomial parametrization of torus knots
A possible use of the Kha's protractor
A power-weighted variant of the EU27 Cambridge Compromise
A prime prime primer
A proof of the Gregory-Leibniz series and new series for calculating pi
A Quartic Surface of Integer Hexahedra
A Relationship between Geometry and Algebra
A short constructive proof of Jordan's decomposition theorem
A shortcut for evaluating some definite integrals from products and limits
A simple proof of Jordan normal form
A simple proof of the Abel-Ruffini theorem
A simple proof on the inequality of arithmetic and geometric means
A simple reformulation of Riemann Zeta function
A solution to a problem of Fermat, on two numbers of which the sum is a square and the sum of their squares is a biquadrate, inspired by the Illustrious La Grange
A strict non-standard inequality .999... < 1
A succinct method for investigating the sums of infinite series through differential formulae
A theorem on circle configurations