On the set of associated primes of a local cohomology module
On the stable set of associated prime ideals of a monomial ideal
On the Stanley Depth of Squarefree Veronese Ideals
On the Star Class Group of a Pullback
On the Steinberg property of the Contou-Carrere symbol
On the structure of Cohen-Macaulay modules over hypersurfaces of countable Cohen-Macaulay representation type
On the Structure of Sequentially Generalized Cohen-Macaulay Modules
On the structure of Stanley-Reisner rings associated to cyclic polytopes
On the structure of the fiber cone of ideals with analytic spread one
On the structure of Witt-Burnside rings attached to pro-p groups
On the Thom-Boardman Symbols for Polynomial Multiplication Maps
On the total order of reducibility of a pencil of algebraic plane curves
On the two differences l(I^*/R)-l(R/I) and rl(R/I)-l(I^*/R)
On the unions of ascending chains of direct sums of ideals of h-local Prüfer domains
On the universal Gröbner bases of toric ideals of graphs
On the universal Gröbner bases of varieties of minimal degree
On the Upper bound of the Multiplicity Conjecture
On the upper semi-continuity of the Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity
On the value-semigroup of a simple complete ideal in a two-dimensional regular local ring
On the vanishing and finiteness properties of generalized local cohomology modules