On the Homology of Completion and Torsion
On the homology of two-dimensional elimination
On the Index and the Order of Quasi-regular Implicit Systems of Differential Equations
On the integral closure of ideals
On the invariants of the splitting algebra
On the irreducibility of the determinant of the matrix of moving planes
On the irreducible components of the form ring and an application to intersection cycles
On The Jacobian Conjecture
On the Jordan decomposition of tensored matrices of Jordan canonical forms
On the Koszul Betti numbers in positive characteristic
On the Koszul property of toric face rings
On the last Hilbert-Samuel coefficient of isolated singularities
On the left perpendicular category of the modules of finite projective dimension
On the lengths of quotients of ideals and depths of fiber cones
On the lifting of the Nagata automorphism
On the linear strand of an edge ideal
On The Linearity Of Artin Functions
On the localization theorem for F-pure rings
On the minimal free resolution of $n+1$ generic forms
On the minimal free resolution of the universal ring for resolutions of length two