On the existence of an invariant non-degenerate bilinear form under a linear map
On the existence of embeddings into modules of finite homological dimensions
On the Fiber Cones of Good Filtrations
On the finite generation of a family of Ext modules
On the finite generation of additive group invariants in positive characteristic
On the finite inverse problem in iterative differential Galois theory
On the first infinitesimal neighborhood of a linear configuration of points in $\mathbb P^2$
On the formal cohomology of local rings
On the formal grade of finitely generated modules over local rings
On the Frobenius functor and colon ideals
On the generalised Ritt problem as a computational problem
On the generalized Scarf complex of lattice ideals
On the generating poset of Schubert cycles and the characterization of Gorenstein property
On the Graded Annihilators of Right Modules Over Frobenius Skew Polynomial Ring
On the Gröbner complexity of matrices
On the growth of the Betti sequence of the canonical module
On the Hartshorne--Speiser--Lyubeznik Theorem about Artinian modules with a Frobenius action
On the highest Lyubeznik number of a local ring
On the Hilbert series of vertex cover algebras of Cohen-Macaulay bipartite graphs
On the Hilbert series of vertex cover algebras of unmixed bipartite graphs