Filtering free resolutions
Finding All Nash Equilibria of a Finite Game Using Polynomial Algebra
Finding Sparse Systems of Parameters
Finite atomic lattices and resolutions of monomial ideals
Finite automata and algebraic extensions of function fields
Finite Filtrations of Modules and Shellable Multicomplexes
Finite generation and the Gauss process
Finite Generation of Algebras Associated to Powers of Ideals
Finite generation of symmetric ideals
Finite Gorenstein representation type implies simple singularity
Finite Groebner bases in infinite dimensional polynomial rings and applications
Finite injective dimension over rings with Noetherian cohomology
Finite lattices and Gröbner bases
Finite separating sets and quasi-affine quotients
Finite sets of $d$-planes in affine space
Finite Sets of Affine Points with Unique Associated Monomial Order Quotient Bases
Finite subsets of projective space, and their ideals
Finiteness for the k-factor model and chirality varieties
Finiteness in derived categories of local rings
Finiteness of $\bold{\bigcup_e \Ass F^e(M)}$ and its connections to tight closure