A Note on the Buchsbaum-Rim multiplicity of a parameter module
A note on the computation of the Frobenius number of a numerical semigroup
A note on the depth formula and vanishing of cohomology
A note on the direct limit of increasing sequences of completely decomposable modules over integral domains
A note on the edge ideals of Ferrers graphs
A note on the generic initial ideal for complete intersections
A Note on the injective dimension of local cohomology modules
A note on the multiplicity of determinantal ideals
A note on the regularity of products
A note on the subword complexes in Coxeter groups
A note on the vanishing of certain local cohomology modules
A note on the weak Lefschetz property of monomial complete intersections in positive characteristic
A numerical characterization of reduction for arbitrary modules
A numerical characterization of the S_2-ification of a Rees algebra
A parachute for the degree of a polynomial in algebraically independent ones
A parallel Buchberger algorithm for multigraded ideals
A polyhedral approach to computing border bases
A Positivstellensatz which Preserves the Coupling Pattern of Variables
A proof of Hilbert's Nullstellensatz based on Groebner bases
A property deducible from the generic initial ideal