A length characterization of $*$-spread
A Less Restrictive Briançon-Skoda Theorem with Coefficients
A linear bound for Frobenius powers and an inclusion bound for tight closure
A local homology theory for linearly compact modules
A local ring has only finitely many semidualizing complexes up to shift-isomorphism
A local ring such that the map between Grothendieck groups with rational coefficient induced by completion is not injective
A look at the prime and semiprime operations of one-dimensional domains
A Macaulay 2 interface for Normaliz
A Matrix Approach to the Rational Invariants of Certain Classical Groups over Finite Fields of Characteristic Two
A matrix representation of composition of polynomial maps
A matrix-based approach to properness and inversion problems for rational surfaces
A Minimal Groebner Basis for the Defining Ideals of Certain Affine Monomial Curves
A Minimal Poset Resolution of Stable Ideals
A minimal set of generators for the ring of multisymmetric functions
A network of rational curves on the Hilbert scheme
A new approximation theory which unifies spherical and Cohen-Macaulay approximations
A new characterization of commutative Artinian rings
A new family of ideals with the doubly exponential ideal membership property
A new method for constructing small-bias spaces from Hermitian codes
A new proof of the local criterion of flatness