A generalization of the Pontryagin-Hill theorems to projective modules over Prüfer domains
A generalization of the Shestakov-Umirbaev inequality
A generalization of the Strong Castelnuovo Lemma
A Generalized Composition of Quadratic Forms based on Quadratic Pairs
A generalized Dedekind-Mertens lemma and its converse
A generalized Hochster's formula for local cohomologies of monomial ideals
A generalized logarithmic module and duality of Coxeter multiarrangements
A generalized Vandermonde determinant
A Glimpse at Supertropical Valuation Theory
A gluing construction for polynomial invariants
A Graphical Representation of Rings via Automorphism Groups
A Gröbner basis proof of the flat extension theorem for moment matrices
A Groebner basis for the secant ideal of the second hypersimplex
A Groebner-bases algorithm for the computation of the cohomology of Lie (super) algebras
A guide to closure operations in commutative algebra
A heuristic algorithm for computing the Poincaré series of the invariants of binary forms
A Hilbert-Kunz criterion for solid closure in dimension two (characteristic zero)
A Homological dimension related to AB rings
A key equation and the computation of error values for codes from order domains
A Krull-Schmidt Theorem for One-dimensional Rings of Finite Cohen-Macaulay Type