A dual to tight closure theory
A duality theorem for generalized local cohomology
A Family of $q$-Dyson Style Constant Term Identities
A Family of Ideals with Few Generators in Low Degree and Large Projective Dimension
A family of local rings with rational Poincaré Series
A Field of Generalised Puiseux Series for Tropical Geometry
A finite separating set for Daigle and Freudenburg's counterexample to Hilbert's Fourteenth Problem
A finiteness condition on local cohomology in positive characteristic
A formula for ideal lattices of general commutative rings
A formula for the *-core of an ideal
A formula for the core of an ideal
A Formula for the Core of Certain Strongly Stable Ideals
A formula for the multiplicity of the multi-graded extended Rees algebra
A functorial approach to modules of G-dimension zero
A general framework for applying FGLM techniques to linear codes
A generalization of $k$-Cohen-Macaulay complexes
A generalization of a theorem of Foxby
A generalization of Kronecker function rings and Nagata rings
A generalization of Pardue's formula
A generalization of strongly Gorenstein projective modules