A combinatorial proof of the Eisenbud-Goto conjecture for monomial curves and some simplicial semigroup rings
A commutative algebraic approach to the fitting problem
A computation of tight closure in diagonal hypersurfaces
A Computational Solution to a Question by Beauville on the Invariants of the Binary Quintic
A conjecture of Herzog and Conca on counting of paths
A conjecture on critical graphs and connections to the persistence of associated primes
A conjecture on the Poincar{é}-Betti series of modules of differential operators on a generic hyperplane arrangement
A connectedness result in positive characteristic
A correction to Epp's paper "Elimination of wild ramification"
A Corresondence between Hilbert Polynomial and Chern Polynomials over Projective Spaces
A Counterexample to a Question about Differential Ideals
A counterpart to Nagata idealization
A criterion for membership in archimedean semirings
A criterion for regularity of local rings
A criterion for rings which are locally valuation
A Deformation of Commutative Polynomial Algebras in Even Numbers of Variables
A degree bound for codimension two lattice ideals
A degree map on unimodular rows
A determinantal formula for the Hilbert series of one-sided ladder determinantal rings
A Direct Limit for Limit Hilbert-Kunz Multiplicity for Smooth Projective Curves