Coherent presentations and actions on categories
Coherent presentations of structure monoids and the Higman-Thompson groups
Cohomological Classification of Ann-categories
Cohomological classification of Ann-functors
Cohomological classification of braided $Ann$-categories
Cohomologie non abelienne d'ordre superieur et applications
Cohomology of the Grothendieck construction
Cohomology theory in 2-categories
Colimits of accessible categories
Colimits of representable algebra-valued functors
Combinatorial n-fold monoidal categories and n-fold operads
Combinatorics of branchings in higher dimensional automata
Commutation Structures
Commutative algebras in Drinfeld categories of abelian Lie algebras
Commutative Algebras in Fibonacci Categories
Commutative monads as a theory of distributions
Comonadas y coanillos de Galois
Compact convolution
Comparing composites of left and right derived functors
Comparing operadic theories of $n$-category