Closed categories, star-autonomy, and monoidal comonads
Closedness properties of internal relations IV: Expressing additivity of a category via subtractivity
Cluster tilting and complexity
Cofibrant complexes are free
Cofibrantly generated natural weak factorisation systems
Coherence and Confluence
Coherence for Categorified Operadic Theories
Coherence for Categorified Operadic Theories
Coherence for Monoidal Endofunctors
Coherence for Monoidal Monads and Comonads
Coherence for Star-Autonomous Categories
Coherence for weak units
Coherence in monoidal track categories
Coherence in Substructural Categories
Coherence of Associativity in Categories with Multiplication
Coherence of Proof-Net Categories
Coherence without unique normal forms
Coherence, Homotopy and 2-Theories
Coherent analogues of matrix factorizations and relative singularity categories
Coherent Bicartesian and Sesquicartesian Categories