Categories of Fractions Revisited
Categories of partial algebras for critical points between varieties of algebras
Categories, norms and weights
Categories. Beginning Course (in Russian)
Categorification and correlation functions in conformal field theory
Categorification of Hopf algebras of rooted trees
Categorifying measure theory: a roadmap
Category of A_infinity-categories
Category of fuzzy hyper BCK-algebras
Category theoretic analysis of hierarchical protein materials and social networks
Category Theory and Higher Dimensional Algebra: potential descriptive tools in neuroscience
Category theory for conformal boundary conditions
Centre of an algebra
Change of Base for Commutative Algebras
Chaos in Binary Category Computation
Characterizations of Morita equivalent inverse semigroups
Classification of abelian hereditary directed categories satisfying Serre duality
Classification of braids which give rise to interchange
Classifying spaces for braided monoidal categories and lax diagrams of bicategories
Closed categories vs. closed multicategories