Price as a matter of choice and nonstochastic randomness
Price dynamics in a Markovian limit order market
Price dynamics in financial markets: a kinetic approach
Price Impact
Price impact asymmetry of institutional trading in Chinese stock market
Price Jump Prediction in Limit Order Book
Pricing a Contingent Claim Liability with Transaction Costs Using Asymptotic Analysis for Optimal Investment
Pricing and Hedging Asian Basket Options with Quasi-Monte Carlo Simulations
Pricing and hedging barrier options in a hyper-exponential additive model
Pricing and Hedging in Affine Models with Possibility of Default
Pricing and hedging of derivatives based on non-tradable underlyings
Pricing and Semimartingale Representations of Vulnerable Contingent Claims in Regime-Switching Markets
Pricing Bermudan options using nonparametric regression: optimal rates of convergence for lower estimates
Pricing Derivatives on Multiscale Diffusions: an Eigenfunction Expansion Approach
Pricing electricity derivatives within a Markov regime-switching model
Pricing Equity Default Swaps under an approximation to the CGMY Lé% vy Model
Pricing European Options with a Log Student's t-Distribution: a Gosset Formula
Pricing Fixed-Income Securities in an Information-Based Framework
Pricing in an equilibrium based model for a large investor
Pricing Life Insurance under Stochastic Mortality via the Instantaneous Sharpe Ratio: Theorems and Proofs