Gain/loss asymmetry in time series of individual stock prices and its relationship to the leverage effect
Gamma-distribution and wealth inequality
GARCH modelling in continuous time for irregularly spaced time series data
GARCH options via local risk minimization
Gauge Invariance, Geometry and Arbitrage
Gaussian Noise Effects on the Evolution of Wealth in a Closed System of n-Economies
GDP growth rate and population
GDP Trend Deviations and the Yield Spread: the Case of Five E.U. Countries
General acceptance sets, risk measures and optimal capital injections
General Intensity Shapes in Optimal Liquidation
General Theory of Geometric Lévy Models for Dynamic Asset Pricing
Generalized pricing formulas for stochastic volatility jump diffusion models applied to the exponential Vasicek model
Generalized supermartingale deflators under limited information
Geographic Concentration in Portugal and Regional Specific Factors
Geometric Arbitrage Theory and Market Dynamics
Geometric extension of put-call symmetry in the multiasset setting
Global recessions as a cascade phenomenon with heterogenous, interacting agents
Global risk from extreme geophysical events: threat identification and assessment
Global risk minimization in financial markets
Globalization and long-run co-movements in the stock market for the G7: an application of VECM under structural breaks