Dam Rain and Cumulative Gain
Dangers of Bilateral Counterparty Risk: the fundamental impact of closeout conventions
De Finetti's dividend problem and impulse control for a two-dimensional insurance risk process
Dealing with the Inventory Risk. A solution to the market making problem
Default and Systemic Risk in Equilibrium
Default Clustering in Large Portfolios: Typical Events
Default correlation, cluster dynamics and single names: The GPCL dynamical loss model
Default risk modeling beyond the first-passage approximation: Position-dependent killing
Default Risk Modeling Beyond the First-Passage Approximation: Extended Black-Cox Model
Default Swap Games Driven by Spectrally Negative Levy Processes
Defaultable Bonds via HKA
Defaultable bonds with an infinite number of Levy factors
Defining, Estimating and Using Credit Term Structures. Part 1: Consistent Valuation Measures
Defining, Estimating and Using Credit Term Structures. Part 2: Consistent Risk Measures
Defining, Estimating and Using Credit Term Structures. Part 3: Consistent CDS-Bond Basis
Delta Hedging in Financial Engineering: Towards a Model-Free Approach
Demand forecasting for companies with many branches, low sales numbers per product, and non-recurring orderings
Denoising Surprises in Option Pricing
Density quantization method in the optimal portfolio choice with partial observation of stochastic volatility
Dependence of defaults and recoveries in structural credit risk models