Backbone of complex networks of corporations: The flow of control
Balance, growth and diversity of financial markets
Banking retail consumer finance data generator - credit scoring data repository
Bankruptcy risk model and empirical tests
Basket Options Valuation for a Local Volatility Jump-Diffusion Model with the Asymptotic Expansion Method
Bayesian estimation of GARCH model with an adaptive proposal density
Bayesian estimation of probabilities of default for low default portfolios
Bayesian Inference of Stochastic Volatility Model by Hybrid Monte Carlo
Bayesian Inference on QGARCH Model Using the Adaptive Construction Scheme
Bayesian inference with an adaptive proposal density for GARCH models
Bayesian Model Choice of Grouped t-copula
Behavioral Portfolio Selection in Continuous Time
Behavioural and Dynamical Scenarios for Contingent Claims Valuation in Incomplete Markets
Belief Propagation Algorithm for Portfolio Optimization Problems
Biased diffusion on Japanese inter-firm trading network: Estimation of sales from network structure
Bidding Strategy with Forecast Technology Based on Support Vector Machine in Electrcity Market
Bilateral counterparty risk valuation for interest-rate products: impact of volatilities and correlations
Bilateral counterparty risk valuation with stochastic dynamical models and application to Credit Default Swaps
Binomial Approximations for Barrier Options of Israeli Style
Black swans or dragon kings? A simple test for deviations from the power law