Factorial Moments in Complex Systems
Fairness Is an Emergent Self-Organized Property of the Free Market for Labor
Fast computation of vanilla prices in time-changed models and implied volatilities using rational approximations
Fast Correlation Greeks by Adjoint Algorithmic Differentiation
Fast estimation of multivariate stochastic volatility
Fast resolution of a single factor Heath-Jarrow-Morton model with stochastic volatility
Fat Tails Quantified and Resolved: A New Distribution to Reveal and Characterize the Risk and Opportunity Inherent in Leptokurtic Data
Feasibility of Portfolio Optimization under Coherent Risk Measures
Feedback and efficiency in limit order markets
Fifteen Years of Econophysics Research
Fifty Years of Climate Curricular Confusion and Pedagogical Gaps
Finance Without Probabilistic Prior Assumptions
Financial Applications of Random Matrix Theory: a short review
Financial Atoms and Molecules
Financial bubbles analysis with a cross-sectional estimator
Financial Bubbles, Real Estate bubbles, Derivative Bubbles, and the Financial and Economic Crisis
Financial correlations at ultra-high frequency: theoretical models and empirical estimation
Financial crises and the evaporation of trust
Financial equilibria in the semimartingale setting: complete markets and markets with withdrawal constraints
Financial factor influence on scaling and memory of trading volume in stock market