Error estimates for finite difference approximations of American put option price
Error Estimates for Multinomial Approximations of American Options in Merton's Model
Escaping the Brownian stalkers
Estimating correlation and covariance matrices by weighting of market similarity
Estimating discriminatory power and PD curves when the number of defaults is small
Estimating financial risk measures for futures positions: a non-parametric approach
Estimating financial risk using piecewise Gaussian processes
Estimation of Operational Risk Capital Charge under Parameter Uncertainty
Estimation of the instantaneous volatility
Etude du risque systématique de mortalité
Evaluating the performance of adapting trading strategies with different memory lengths
Evaluating the Precision of Estimators of Quantile-Based Risk Measures
Evidence for the Gompertz Curve in the Income Distribution of Brazil 1978-2005
Evidence of market manipulation in the financial crisis
Evolution of community structure in the world trade web
Evolution of the personal income distribution in the USA: High incomes
Evolution of worldwide stock markets, correlation structure and correlation based graphs
Evolutionary Model of the Personal Income Distribution
Exact and asymptotic results for insurance risk models with surplus-dependent premiums
Exact prediction of S&P 500 returns