Vandermonde Frequency Division Multiplexing for Cognitive Radio
VANET Connectivity Analysis
VANET Routing Protocols: Pros and Cons
Vanquishing the XCB Question: The Methodology Discovery of the Last Shortest Single Axiom for the Equivalential Calculus
VAPHOT - A Package for Precision Differential Aperture Photometry
Vapor and Melt Production During the Formation of Impact Craters on Europa
Vapor Deposition and Solar Wind Implantation on Lunar Soil-Grain Surfaces as Comparable Processes
Vapor hydrogen peroxide as alternative to dry heat microbial reduction
Vapor phase exsolution as a controlling factor in hydrogen isotope variation in granitic rocks: the Notch Peak granitic stock, Utah
Vapor pressure and vapor fractionation of silicate melts of tektite composition
Vapor Pressure, Vapor Composition and Fractional Vaporization of High Temperature Lavas on Io
Vapor pressures and evaporation coefficients for melts of ferromagnesian chondrule-like compositions
Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium in the Systems Argon-Oxygen and Ammonia-Water Measurements and Modeling for Industrial and Planetary Applications
Vapor-liquid equilibrium thermodynamics of N2 + CH4 - Model and Titan applications
Vapor/Melt Partitioning Behavior of S and Cl in a C-O Gas Mixture
Vaporization of Lunar Highland Rocks: Experimental Investigation
Vaporization rate of forsterite in hydrogen gas
Vaporizing neutron stars in low-mass X ray binaries and the statistics of millisecond pulsars
Vapour undersaturation in primitive mid-ocean-ridge basalt and the volatile content of Earth's upper mantle
Variability and particle acceleration in the jet of Pictor A