Validation of GOMOS vertical profiles using the stratospheric balloon-borne AMON and SALOMON UV-visible spetrometers
Validation of GOMOS water vapour, temperature, and ozone products with balloon borne instruments during the Kiruna winter campaign 2002-2003
Validation of Ground-based Observations of Strato-Mesospheric Ozone
Validation of ISAMS retrievals of atmospheric temperature and pressure
Validation of large, geophysical data sets: New tools of the trade
Validation of martian meteorological data assimilation for MGS/TES using radio occultation measurements
Validation of measurements of carbon monoxide from the improved stratospheric and mesospheric sounder
Validation of MERIS Near IR Water Vapour Retrievals Using MWR and GPS Measurements
Validation of MERIS Ocean Color Algorithms in the Mediterranean Sea
Validation of MIPAS and SCIAMACHY Data by Ground-Based Spectroscopy at Kiruna, Sweden, and Izana, Tenerife Island (AOID-191)
Validation of MIPAS N2O Profiles by Stratospheric Balloon, Aircraft and Ground Based Measurements
Validation of MIPAS O3, NO2, H2O and CH4 Profiles (V4.61) with Collocated Measurements of HALOE and SAGE II
Validation of MIPAS Temperature Data with ALOMAR RMR-LIDAR Measurements from July 2002 to March 2004
Validation of Mipas Temperature Data with the U. Bonn Lidar at the Esrange During July and August 2002
Validation of MIPAS Water Vapor Products by Ground Based Measurements
Validation of MIPAS-ENVISAT Version 4.61 Operational Data: NO2
Validation of Mission Plans Through Simulation
Validation of models of regular and auroral absorption along short-wave radio paths
Validation of nonlinear PCA
Validation of SCIAMACHY Operational Near-Real-Time Level-2 Products by FTIR at the Ground Truthing Station Zugspitze