Variations in the concentrations of O/+/ and N/+/ ions, the dynamics of the ionosphere, and fluxes of energetic electrons in the earth's outer ionosphere on the meteor earth satellite. I - Measurements in the mid-latitude ionosphere
Variations in the D/H and 18O/16O ratios in cellulose extracted from a peat bog core
Variations in the distribution of magma in the lower crust and at the Moho beneath the East Pacific Rise at 9°-10°N
Variations in the geochemistry of magmatism on the East Pacific Rise at 10°30'N since 800 ka
Variations in the geomagnetic cutoff rigidity of cosmic rays at individual points of the Asian region during the extreme events of 2003
Variations in the geomagnetic dipole moment during the Holocene and the past 50 kyr
Variations in the height of an emission layer at 5577 A
Variations in the ionospheric scale height parameter at the F2 peak over Grahamstown, South Africa
Variations in the isotopic composition of xenon under the annealing and selective dissolution of material from the Tsarev meteorite
Variations in the marine Ca cycle over the past 20 million years
Variations in the Nd isotopic composition of foraminifera from Atlantic Ocean sediments
Variations in the near-ground electric field at high latitudes and the potential drop across the polar cap during morning polar substorms
Variations in the osmium isotope composition of sea water over the past 200,000 years
Variations in the Oxygen Three-Isotope Terrestrial Fractionation Line Revealed by an Inter-Laboratory Comparison of Silicate Mineral Analyses
Variations in the parameters of thunderstorm electromagnetic signals on paths over earthquake regions
Variations in the polar precipitation equatorward boundary during the interaction between the Earth's magnetosphere and solar wind streams from isolated solar sources
Variations in the schumann resonance polarization ellipse in the horizontal and vertical planes according to observations at the Barentsburg and Lovozero observatories
Variations in the sulfur isotope composition of troilite from the Cañon Diablo iron meteorite
Variations in the total electron content during the powerful typhoon of August 5-11, 2006, near the southeastern coast of China
Variations in the ULF index of daytime geomagnetic pulsations during recurrent magnetic storms