Magma Vesiculation and Pyroclastic Volcanism on Venus
MAGMA: The Magellanic Mopra Assessment
MAGMA: The Magellanic Mopra Assessment
Magmatic @d^1^8O in 4400-3900 Ma detrital zircons: A record of the alteration and recycling of crust in the Early Archean [rapid communication]
Magmatic Differentiation of Io
Magmatic Effects of the Lunar Late Heavy Bombardment
Magmatic evolution of a volcano studied by 230 Th- 238 U disequilibrium and trace elements systematics: The Etna case
Magmatic Inclusions in Frontier Mountain 90054 and Elephant Moraine 96328: Complex Petrogenesis of the Olivine-(Augite)-Orthopyroxene Ureilites
Magmatic Inclusions in Olivine and Chromite in Basaltic Shergottite Sayh Al Uhaymir 005: Implications for Petrogenesis and Relationship to Lherzolitic Shergottites
Magmatic Intrusions Beneath Martian Highland Volcanoes: Clues from Eruptive History, Thermal-Magnetic-Gravity Modeling and Electron Reflectometry
Magmatic Iron Meteorite Petrogenesis: Partitioning of AG and Pd Between Solid and Liquid Metal
Magmatic Processes that Produced Lunar Fire Fountains: Evidence from Vesicular Rims on Picritic Glass Beads
Magmatic Transport of Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen Constituents from Reduced Planetary Interiors
Magmatic volatile contents and degassing-induced crystallization at Volcán Jorullo, Mexico: Implications for melt evolution and the plumbing systems of monogenetic volcanoes
Magmatic Volatiles in Lunar Apatite: Approaching a Single Solution to Many Unique Observations
Magmatic Water in Martian Meteorites
Magmatism and continental break-up in the South Atlantic: High precision AR-40-AR-39 geochronology
Magna Carta for Researchers
Magnesian anorthosites and a deep crustal rock from the farside crust of the moon
Magnesian Anorthosites and Other Clasts from Complex Breccia 14321