Magellan - Mission summary
Magellan - Radar performance and data products
Magellan 6.5-m telescopes project: status report
Magellan aerobrake navigation
Magellan battery operations: An overview
Magellan mission to Venus-Data management and archiving
Magellan navigation using X-band differenced Doppler during Venus mapping phase
Magellan Press Conference (1 of 2)
Magellan project
Magellan project
Magellan spacecraft thermal control system design and performance
Magellan the single-minded explorer
Magellan, Galileo, and ULYSSES
Magellanic Cloud Planetary Nebulae
Magellanic Cloud Planetary Nebulae: probing the effects of metallicity on dust formation, mass-loss, and evolution.
Magellanic Clouds Cepheids Fourier decomposition (Antonello 1998)
Magellanic Clouds PNe line intensities (Leisy+, 1996)
Magellanic-Cloud Like Satellites are Rare
Maghemite on Mars: Possible Clues from Titanomaghemite in Icelandic Basalt
MAGIC Collector - Direct Sampling of Meteoric Dust in the Mesosphere