Joint Cooperation and Multi-Hopping Increase the Capacity of Wireless Networks
Joint Decoding of LDPC Codes and Finite-State Channels via Linear-Programming
Joint Design and Separation Principle for Opportunistic Spectrum Access in the Presence of Sensing Errors
Joint Design of Congestion Control Routing With Distributed Multi Channel Assignment in Wireless Mesh Networks
Joint Detection and Identification of an Unobservable Change in the Distribution of a Random Sequence
Joint Discussion of Data Management Systems That Cross the Waterline
Joint Distributed Access Point Selection and Power Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks
Joint Equalization and Decoding for Nonlinear Two-Dimensional Intersymbol Interference Channels
Joint Equalization and Decoding for Nonlinear Two-Dimensional Intersymbol Interference Channels with Application to Optical Storage
Joint fixed-rate universal lossy coding and identification of continuous-alphabet memoryless sources
Joint geoelectrical interpretation of the amplitude and phase characteristics of global magnetic-variation sounding
Joint H I Lyalpha Observations with UVCS/Spartan and UVCS/SOHO During the STS-95 Mission
Joint imaging riometer-incoherent scatter radar observations: a four-dimensional perspective on energetic particle input to the auroral mesosphere
Joint Impact of Pathloss Shadowing and Fast Fading - An Outage Formula for Wireless Networks
Joint interpretation of on-board vision and static GPS cartography for determination of correct speed limit
Joint inversion of marine magnetotelluric and gravity data incorporating seismic constraints. Preliminary results of sub-basalt imaging off the Faroe Shelf
Joint investigation of the characteristics of HF signals and of data of oblique ionospheric sounding
Joint LDPC and Physical-layer Network Coding for Asynchronous Bi-directional Relaying
Joint Lightcurve Observations of 10 Near-Earth Asteroids from Modra and ONDŘEJOV
Joint maximum likelihood estimation of carrier and sampling frequency offsets for OFDM systems