Ground based automated telescope
Ground Based Microwave Radiometric Technique in Remote Sensing
Ground based observations of an impulsively increased plasma flow from the tail
Ground based observations of low frequency auroral hiss fine structure
Ground based science of ESA's Rosetta mission targets: (21) Lutetia and (2867) Steins
Ground based studies on the thermospheric structure
Ground based γ-ray burst follow-up efforts: The first three years of the BATSE/COMPTEL/NMSU γ-ray burst rapid response network
Ground Calibration of AXAF: The HRMA X-ray Detection System
Ground calibration of CCD camera (XIS) with front-illuminated chips onboard Astro-E2
Ground Canonicity
Ground Data Systems for Spacecraft Control
Ground demonstration of an optical control system for a space-based sparse aperture telescope
Ground demonstration of an optical control system for a space-based sparse-aperture telescope
Ground demonstration of hypertelescopes
Ground Ice and Impacts on Mars: New Constraints from Present and Future Missions
Ground Ice in Iceland: Possible Analogs for Equatorial Mars
Ground Imaging for Solar Sail Orbit Determination: A Proof of Concept
Ground induced currents incorporated to the model for direct and simultaneous simulations of the heliosphere-magnetosphere-ionosphere interactions
Ground interpolation for the theory of equality
Ground layer correction for very large telescopes: performance of multi-object wave-front sensing concepts.