Grid-based e-Labs for Pre-College Research in Physics and Astronomy
Grid-Brick Event Processing Framework in GEPS
Grid-Enabling Natural Language Engineering By Stealth
GridCertLib: a Single Sign-on Solution for Grid Web Applications and Portals
GridEmail: A Case for Economically Regulated Internet-based Interpersonal Communications
Gridless Narrow-Angle Astrometry with SIM
GridMonitor: Integration of Large Scale Facility Fabric Monitoring with Meta Data Service in Grid Environment
Grids of stellar models V. (Meynet+ 1994)
Grids of stellar models. VII. (Mowlavi+ 1998)
Gridscape II: A Customisable and Pluggable Grid Monitoring Portal and its Integration with Google Maps
Gridscape: A Tool for the Creation of Interactive and Dynamic Grid Testbed Web Portals
GridSim: A Toolkit for the Modeling and Simulation of Distributed Resource Management and Scheduling for Grid Computing
Grill design for 1000 second lower hybrid current drive system for SST1 tokamak
Grism Sensitivities and Apparent Non-Linearity
GRISM Spectophotometry of the Uranus Ring
Grism Spectra of Centaurs and TNO's from 1-2 Microns
Grism/Prism Calibration
Grisms from germanium/silicon for astronomical instruments
GRM - Observing the terrestrial gravity and magnetic fields in the 1990's
GRMHD Simulations of Magnetized Tori as Sources of Gravitational Waves