GRASP and path-relinking for Coalition Structure Generation
GRASP for the Coalition Structure Formation Problem
Grasping time scales from galactic life cycles to personal life projects at a linear scale of 1 mm per 100 years
Grassmannian Beamforming for MIMO Amplify-and-Forward Relaying
Grassmannian Beamforming for MIMO-OFDM Systems with Frequency and Spatially Correlated Channels Using Huffman Coding
Grassmannian Differential Limited Feedback for Interference Alignment
Grassmannian Fusion Frames
Grassmannian Predictive Coding for Limited Feedback in Multiple Antenna Wireless Systems
Grating spectroscopy of a bright nova in outburst
Grating stray light analysis and control in the UVCS/SOHO
Gravimetric monitoring of hydrotechnic objects
Graviresponses of osteocytes under altered gravity
Gravitation as a Vacuum Nonlinear Electrodynamics Effect
Gravitation, torsion, and electromagnetism.
Gravitational anisotropies of gyromagnetic ratios and tests of general relativity
Gravitational beam deviation effects in the timing formula of binary pulsars
Gravitational coefficients and internal structures of the icy Galilean satellites: an assessment of the Galileo Orbiter mission
Gravitational Collapse
Gravitational collapse of an infinite, cylindrical dust shell
Gravitational Collapse of an Isothermal Sphere