3.4-Billion-Year-Old Biogenic Pyrites from Barberton, South Africa: Sulfur Isotope Evidence
3.6 m Telescope Headed for Testing and Erection
3.6-m Telescope Control System Upgrade Completed
3.6-m telescope passes major upgrade milestones.
3/2 Firefighters are not enough
30 and Counting
30-dB data rate improvement for interplanetary laser communication
3000 InGaAs photodiode multiplexed linear array for the SPOT 4 S.W.I.R. channel
315 glitches in the rotation of 102 pulsars (Espinoza+, 2011)
319 gamma-ray bursts BATSE triggers (Quilligan+, 2002)
32-pixel FIRGA demonstrator: testing of a gallium arsenide photoconductor array for far-infrared astronomy
320x240 uncooled microbolometer 2D array for radiometric and process control applications
330-360GHz spectral lines of G 34.3+0.15. II. (Millar+ 1997)
33S Anomaly in Acapulcoites and Lodranites
345,000-year-long multi-proxy records off South Africa document variable contributions of Northern versus Southern Component Water to the Deep South Atlantic
35 DENIS late-M dwarfs between 10 and 30pc (Phan-Bao+, 2003)
36CL Depth Profile in Apollo 15 Drill Core
36Cl in chloride-rich rainwater, Israel
36Cl-36Ar Exposure Ages of Chondritic Metals
39 Ar recoil artifacts in chloritized biotite