A Campaign to Study Equatorial Ionospheric Phenomena over Guam
A campaign to study pulsating auroras
A case study of extreme tropospheric ozone contamination in the tropics using in-situ, satellite and meteorological data
A case study of the aurora, high-latitude ionosphere, and particle precipitation during near-steady state conditions
A case study on the possible altitude-dependent effects of collisions on sodium airglow emission
A catalog of X-ray sources
A Collaborative Astronomy Project Between Multimedia and Physics Undergraduate Majors
A comment on X-ray source identifications
A comparative study of cosmic ray intensity variations during 1972-1977 using spacecraft and ground-based observations
A comparative study of the time-dependent standard 8-, 13- and 16-moment transport formulations of the polar wind
A comparison between electron density and meteor wind profiles
A comparison between GEOS 1 magnetic-field measurements and some models of the geomagnetic field
A comparison between sounding data and WRF forecasts at APEX site
A comparison between the experimentally and theoretically determined equatorial electrojet electric field
A comparison between Thomson scatter and meteor radar wind measurements in the 65-105 km altitude region at Arecibo
A Comparison of a Photochemical Model with SHIMMER hydroxyl and SABER ozone data
A Comparison of Cassini CIRS Measurements of Saturn's Troposphere with Ground-based Observations
A comparison of current-voltage relationships of collectors in the earth's ionosphere with and without electron beam emission
A comparison of EISCAT and Dynasonde measurements of the auroral ionosphere
A comparison of EISCAT and HF Doppler observations of a ULF wave