Fast piloted missions to Mars using nuclear electric propulsion
Fast scintillation counter system and performance
Fast steering mirror performance measurements
Fast timing with XEUS: evaluation of different detector concepts
Fast track NTR systems assessment for NASA's first lunar outpost scenario
Faster-than-light effects and negative group delays in optics and electronics, and their applications
Fault analysis and detection in large active optical systems
Fault Tolerance and Parallel Processing for NGST
Fault Tolerant Real Time Systems
Feasibility and Performance of the Microwave Thermal Rocket Launcher
Feasibility of exoplanet coronagraphy with the Hubble Space Telescope
Feasibility of Ground Testing a Moon and Mars Surface Power Reactor in EBR-II
Feasibility of performing space surveillance tasks with a proposed space-based optical architecture
Feasibility study for a Compact Environmental Anomaly Sensor (CEASE)
Feasibility study of a stratospheric-airship observatory
Feasibility study of LEO, GEO and Molniya orbit based satellite solar power station for some identified sites in India
Federating Datasets with Spatial Joins
Feedback loops from the Hubble Space Telescope data processing system
Feeding the wavefront sensors of LINC-NIRVANA: the dedicated Patrol Camera
Femtosecond studies of fundamental materials issues in III-nitride ultraviolet photodetectors