FP A#64 and new substrate removed FPAs for WFC3-IR: a trade-off study pages
FPA annealing studies for the WISE mission cryostat
Fractionation of mineral species by electrophoresis
Framework for Defining and Assessing Benefits of a Modular Assembly Design Approach for Exploration Systems
Framework for performance forecasting and optimization of CMB B-mode observations in the presence of astrophysical foregrounds
Free Magnetic Energy and Flare Productivity of Active Regions
Free-space optical code-division multiple-access system design
Free-standing amorphous Y-Ba-Cu-O detectors for uncooled IR detection and the effects of doping
Freeform diamond machining of complex monolithic metal optics for integral field systems
Frequency generation and synthesis in the DRSS
Frequency Ratio of Al+ and Hg+ Single-Ion Optical Clocks; Metrology at the 17th Decimal Place
Frequency-tunable pre-stabilized lasers for LISA via sideband locking
Friction compensation strategies in large telescopes
Friction drive and bogies for OWL's main axes, technological step backwards or cost effective alternative?
Friction drive characterization breadboard: test results
Fringe Measurement and Control for the Keck Interferometer
Fringe modulation for an MROI beam combiner
Fringe tracking at the IOTA interferometer
Fringe tracking at VLTI: status report
Fringe tracking optimization with 4 beams: application to GRAVITY