Information-theoretic inference of common ancestors
Information-theoretic limits of selecting binary graphical models in high dimensions
Information-theoretic resolution of perceptual WSS watermarking of non i.i.d. Gaussian signals
Information-Theoretic Security in Wireless Networks
Information-Theoretically Optimal Compressed Sensing via Spatial Coupling and Approximate Message Passing
Information-theoretically Secure Regenerating Codes for Distributed Storage
Informational characteristics of planetary gravitational fields
Informative Sensing
Informed Dynamic Scheduling for Belief-Propagation Decoding of LDPC Codes
Informed Network Coding for Minimum Decoding Delay
Informed stego-systems in active warden context: statistical undetectability and capacity
Inner and Outer Bounds for the Gaussian Cognitive Interference Channel and New Capacity Results
Inner and Outer Bounds for the Public Information Embedding Capacity Region Under Multiple Access Attacks
Innovation Rate Sampling of Pulse Streams with Application to Ultrasound Imaging
Instantaneous Relaying: Optimal Strategies and Interference Neutralization
Instanton analysis of Low-Density-Parity-Check codes in the error-floor regime
Instanton-based Techniques for Analysis and Reduction of Error Floors of LDPC Codes
Instantons causing iterative decoding to cycle
Integer-Forcing Linear Receivers
Inter-Block Permuted Turbo Codes