Tail Behavior of Sphere-Decoding Complexity in Random Lattices
Tails of Random Matrix Diagonal Elements: The Case of the Wishart Inverse
Tales of Huffman
Tandem Coding and Cryptography on Wiretap Channels: EXIT Chart Analysis
Target Localization Accuracy Gain in MIMO Radar Based Systems
Taylor series expansions for the entropy rate of Hidden Markov Processes
Technical Report: Achievable Rates for the MAC with Correlated Channel-State Information
Technical Report: MIMO B-MAC Interference Network Optimization under Rate Constraints by Polite Water-filling and Duality
Technical Report: Observability of a Linear System under Sparsity Constraints
Telescoping Recursive Representations and Estimation of Gauss-Markov Random Fields
Terminated LDPC Convolutional Codes with Thresholds Close to Capacity
Testing Goodness-of-Fit via Rate Distortion
The "...system of constraints"
The accurate optimal-success/error-rate calculations applied to the realizations of the reliable and short-period integer ambiguity resolution in carrier-phase GPS/GNSS positioning
The Achievable Distortion Region of Bivariate Gaussian Source on Gaussian Broadcast Channel
The Algebra of Two Dimensional Patterns
The analytic computability of the Shannon transform for a large class of random matrix channels
The Approximate Capacity of the Gaussian N-Relay Diamond Network
The Approximate Capacity of the Many-to-One and One-to-Many Gaussian Interference Channels
The Approximate Capacity Region of the Gaussian Z-Interference Channel with Conferencing Encoders