k-means Approach to the Karhunen-Loeve Transform
K-User Fading Interference Channels: The Ergodic Very Strong Case
K-user Interference Channels: Achievable Secrecy Rate and Degrees of Freedom
K-user Interference Channels: General Outer Bound and Sum-capacity for Certain Gaussian Channels
Kalman Filtered Compressed Sensing
Kalman Filtering with Intermittent Observations: Weak Convergence to a Stationary Distribution
Kerdock Codes for Limited Feedback Precoded MIMO Systems
Key Distribution Protocols Based on Extractors Under the Condition of Noisy Channels in the Presence of an Active Adversary
Key Generation Using External Source Excitation: Capacity, Reliability, and Secrecy Exponent
Key recycling in authentication
Keys through ARQ: Theory and Practice
KF-CS: Compressive Sensing on Kalman Filtered Residual
Knowledge based imaging development system
Kolmogorov complexity and the asymptotic bound for error-correcting codes
Kolmogorov complexity as a language
Kovalenko's Full-Rank Limit and Overhead as Lower Bounds for Error-Performances of LDPC and LT Codes over Binary Erasure Channels