Balancing Egoism and Altruism on MIMO Interference Channel
Balancing Egoism and Altruism on the Interference Channel: The MIMO case
Balancing forward and feedback error correction for erasure channels with unreliable feedback
Bandit Problems with Side Observations
Bandlimited Intensity Modulation
Bandwidth Partitioning in Decentralized Wireless Networks
Bargaining over the interference channel
Base station cooperation on the downlink: Large system analysis
Base station selection for energy efficient network operation with the majorization-minimization algorithm
Base-Station Selections for QoS Provisioning Over Distributed Multi-User MIMO Links in Wireless Networks
Bayesian blocks
Bayesian Compressive Sensing via Belief Propagation
Bayesian Cramér-Rao Bound for Noisy Non-Blind and Blind Compressed Sensing
Bayesian Estimation of a Gaussian source in Middleton's Class-A Impulsive Noise
Bayesian field theory and approximate symmetries
Bayesian framework applied to a source separation problem using a priori knowledge concerning ill conditioned mixtures issued from an Eddy current sensor response
Bayesian Hypothesis Testing for Sparse Representation
Bayesian Sequential Detection with Phase-Distributed Change Time and Nonlinear Penalty -- A POMDP Approach
Bayesian source separation of fMRI signals
Beacon-Assisted Spectrum Access with Cooperative Cognitive Transmitter and Receiver